You're invited to attend the Annual Meeting on Monday, March 31st at the Sparta American Legion.

Registration starts at 6:00 pm, Business Meeting starts at 6:30 pm. We hope to see you there!


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Savings Accounts

Remember when you were younger and you discovered the thrill of shaking a piggy bank full of coins? We can’t recreate those moments, but we can help you save for a specific goal or put money into an emergency fund. 

Start Today

mature woman stretches her legs before exercising outdoors

Stretch Your Dollars By Earning Bigger Dividends

Put your money to work for you! A 1st CCU Savings account helps your money grow bigger and faster. We have several savings options to choose that will surely fit your 2025 budget!

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Regular Savings

Primary Savings

A Primary Share Savings account is your personal part of 1st CCU. 

  • All members must have a Primary Share account
  • Free online, mobile, and telephone banking
  • Your $5.00 opening deposit must remain in your Primary account

Start Saving


You Name It Savings

You-Name-It Savings

Open a secondary savings account to keep those funds separate from other savings balances. Use for a Vacation Fund, Wedding Money, or a Down Payment. Or establish an Emergency Fund, a Pet Expense Fund, or a School Expense account. Your options are endless.

  • Name the account! It’s a helpful reminder that you are working toward a goal
  • Transfer funds in 1st CCU Anywhere or in person
  • Or set up automatic transfers for even more convenience

You-Name-It Savings Account Opening Instructions
  • Opening a secondary savings account can be done from the comfort of your home within 1st CCU Anywhere Online or Mobile Banking. 
    • Log into 1st CCU Anywhere. 
    • In the menu, click on your name. 
    • Select 'Add an account'.  
    • Select 'Open a subshare'. 
    • Follow the prompts to create the secondary savings account.
  • Once the account is opened, click on the account button in the 1st CCU Anywhere dashboard, then select the Settings button.  In the upper right corner of the screen click 'RENAME', then assign a nickname to the account.

Open Now 


Ultimate Savings

Ultimate Savings

With a minimum opening deposit of $1000, you’ll earn a higher dividend rate and there are no fees. If your balance falls below the $1000 minimum a reduced dividend will apply.

Go Ultimate


Ultimate Savings

Share Certificates

Available in a variety of terms and rates, Share Certificates are a great way to save at any age. When you purchase a certificate, your rate is guaranteed for the term you select, with penalties for early withdrawal.

See Rates

We have Savings options for all budgets and lifestyles, so you can achieve financial stability. Do something today that your future self will thank you for!


Money Market Account

With our high-yield tiered rate Money Market you’ll earn more and have the ability to write checks.

  • Minimum opening deposit of $1000
  • You may clear up to 3 checks* per month from this account

*Service charges apply for more than 3 checks per month

Individual Retirement Account

It's never too early to start building your retirement savings. Let us help you start a new IRA, or transfer an existing IRA from any other financial institution.

  • Short-term and Long-term from 12-60 months

Christmas Club

The holidays are less stressful when you save for the season all throughout the year! 

  • Open with as little as $25.00
  • Balance of the account is available for withdrawal on November 1


Click here to see our Savings Rates 



Some accounts have minimum opening deposit requirements, minimum balances to receive the posted rate, or early withdrawal penalties. Contact 1st CCU for full details, qualifications, restrictions, funds availability, terms and conditions. 

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Young girl walking

Youth Savings

Start Them Early

Young woman with mobile phone

1st CCU Anywhere

Online & Mobile

Person using calculator

Savings Calculators


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