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Registration starts at 6:00 pm, Business Meeting starts at 6:30 pm. We hope to see you there!


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Tips for Getting Your Budget Under Control

Tips for Getting Your Budget Under Control


If your money disappears before your next paycheck, it might be time to look at your budget. To budget effectively, you need to keep your spending in check and jump-start your savings. Simply thinking about it will not suffice. Instead, here are some strategies to help get your budget under control:

Shop With a List

Regular shopping trips are important to ensure you have all your necessities at home. However, when you wander through aisles without a proper plan on what to get, there’s a higher chance you’ll grab things you don’t need. Create a shopping list, whether on paper or your phone, to keep you focused and avoid overspending while shopping. You could also order groceries online for pickup. This will eliminate the lure of end cap deals and help you control your budget.

Sleep on Big Purchases

If you’re planning to buy an expensive item, it’s best to give yourself a waiting period before proceeding with the purchase. Consider whether this is an object you really need and not a situation where you are simply swept up with the excitement of getting something new. A good indication that you should skip buying something is if you’ve forgotten about it after a week.

fingers using calculator

A good piece of advice for those having a difficult time controlling their spending is to remember their current financial situation and the consequences of overspending. Keep in mind that if you fall into debt, you will end up paying more on interest than you could if you saved up before making a certain purchase. Put off buying something until you can afford it and consistently set aside money so it doesn’t affect your budget.

Another helpful strategy is to keep a lower credit limit that you can easily pay off at one time. This way, there will be minimum to no interest on your bill at the end of the month.

Track Your Spending

One of the best ways to determine where your money is going every month is to track all your expenses. Every separate purchase adds up, and if you’re not careful, you’ll end up spending way beyond your means. Make a list of your transactions and categorize them so you can better see which expenditures are costing you too much money. There are many software applications that can help with this process.

Do a “Spending Fast”

Not spending money on unnecessary items for a period of time might seem difficult. However, doing a “no-spend challenge” for a week, a month, or even a whole year can help you commit to changing your spending habits. Before you know it, you’re already eating out less, foregoing buying new clothes, and generally not wasting money on what you don’t need.

Make Wise Financial Decisions Today

If you need help controlling your budget, 1st Community Credit Union in Sparta, West Salem and Tomah, WI is the one to turn to. We provide a source of credit at a fair and reasonable rate for our members. Contact us for more details.

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